
Exploring your Practice in Community

  • Community Practice
     September 21, 2024
     1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Please join us at our next community gathering at South Arm Community Centre Saturday September 21, from 1:30 – 4:30pm. In this community gathering we will examine asanas and their connection to other asanas within their family, with other families of asanas and the effect on the breath as preparation for pranayama.

To help us prepare for our practice together, please enter a specific asana that you would like to explore together into this form.

We encourage you to sign up as soon as you can and email us to cancel your registration should your plans change.

Exploring your Practice in Community

  • Community Practice
     September 21, 2024
     1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Please join us at our next community gathering at South Arm Community Centre Saturday September 21, from 1:30 – 4:30pm. In this community gathering we will examine asanas and their connection to other asanas within their family, with other families of asanas and the effect on the breath as preparation for pranayama.

To help us prepare for our practice together, please enter a specific asana that you would like to explore together into this form.

We encourage you to sign up as soon as you can and email us to cancel your registration should your plans change.

July Practice and Chat Session

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  • Teacher Practice
     July 6, 2024
     2:15 pm - 4:15 pm

Please join us at the Anvil Centre in New Westminster, Saturday July 6 from 2:15 – 4:15pm.

As a community, we’ve agreed that practicing together has many benefits. This session will be an opportunity for teachers and trainees to come together, practice, observe, share, and catch up with each other.

June Teachers’ Gathering

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  • Teacher Practice
     June 8, 2024
     1:15 pm - 4:15 pm

Please join us at Corrie’s Studio on the North Shore, Saturday June 8 from 1:15 – 4:15pm.

Whether you are considering preparing for a Level 2 assessment or not, exploring how to convey intermediate yoga concepts to students can refine your practice and evolve your teaching skills. Our personal practice is a ripe field of discovery, to develop our own sensitivity in asana and pranayama.  As teachers, how do we convey what we learn in our practice to our students? How do we express our practice-experience to benefit the learning of others? This session is appropriate for apprentices and all levels of teachers.

On registration you will be sent a link to a survey.  Please complete the survey as soon as possible as it will shape our session

May Teachers’ Gathering

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  • Teacher Practice
     May 17, 2024
     12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Please join us at Creekside Community Centre, Friday May 17 from 12:30 – 3:30pm.

Our May gathering is an opportunity to receive guidance on something particular you are puzzling over in your personal practice. Upon registration, you will receive a short questionnaire to submit a maximum of 2 poses you want help with from the group. This is your chance to refine your practice, share ideas, and learn in community.

Potential New Iyengar Yoga Centre in Vancouver

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  • Meeting
     May 10, 2024
     3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Please join us for a community gathering to discuss the possibility of opening a new Iyengar Yoga Centre in Vancouver.

We look forward to a collaborative exchange of ideas with you!

Exploring your Practice in Community

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  • Community gathering
     March 22, 2024
     1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Please join us at Mount Pleasant Community Centre Friday March 22, from 1:30 – 4:30pm. At this community gathering we will examine asanas and their connection to other asanas within their family and other families.

To help us prepare for our practice together, please enter a specific asana that you would like to explore together into this form.

We encourage you to sign up as soon as you can and email us to cancel your registration should your plans change.

Collaborative teaching – related studies, guided by Louie Ettling

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  • TT Workshop
     April 7, 2024
     9:30 am - 12:30 pm

We welcome you to join us for a session specifically designed for teachers and apprentices. The workshop schedule is as follows:

  • Sunday April 7, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm

For a total of 3 hours.

Participants are asked to bring the following props:
1 yoga mat, 2 bricks and 1 strap and what you need for your shoulder stand set up.
Please let us know if you are unable to bring props for your practice.

Cancellation Policy
A refund (less $25 administration fee) is available until March 30. No cancellation or changes will be permitted after March 30.

Above policies are subject to any extenuating circumstances and the discretion of the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Association (Vancouver) board. Please review our cancellation policy for more details.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Please Note: Member pricing is available to those who purchased a 2023 B.K.S . Iyengar Yoga Association (Vancouver) membership. To benefit from member pricing, you will need to become a member first.

Workshop with Louie Ettling

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  • 2 Day Workshop
     April 5, 2024 - April 6, 2024
     6:30 pm - 4:30 pm

We welcome you to join us for a workshop with Louie Ettling. During this workshop we will visit a series of asana and pranayama.  The workshop schedule is as follows:

  • Friday April 5, 6:30 – 8:30pm
  • Saturday April 6, 9:30am – 12:00pm and 2:00 – 4:30pm

All students with one year experience with an Iyengar yoga teacher are welcome. This is not a therapeutic workshop. Those with injuries, or who need special adaptations, need to communicate with the teacher first before registering.

Should you wish to attend only a portion, please contact us and we will accommodate your needs if we can; but priority will be given to those who register for the full Friday and Saturday 7 hour workshop.

There are a few props at the venue, but please bring the following props if you can:
1 yoga mat, 2 bricks, 1 strap and what you need for your shoulder stand set up.
Props can be left in the hall overnight.

Cancellation Policy
A refund (less $25 administration fee) is available until March 30. No cancellation or changes will be permitted after March 30.

Above policies are subject to any extenuating circumstances and the discretion of the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Association (Vancouver) board. Please review our cancellation policy for more details.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Please Note: Member pricing is available to those who purchased a 2023 B.K.S . Iyengar Yoga Association (Vancouver) membership. To benefit from member pricing, you will need to become a member first.

February Teacher Gathering

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  • Teacher gathering
     February 24, 2024
     1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Join us Saturday Feb 24 from 1 – 4pm as we address how to help students develop more ease in their practice and inspire their continued learning to the intermediate level. We will explore themes of mobility, ease, challenge and fear. This teacher gathering takes place at a new studio on Fraser St called Eastside Fitness. This studio specializes in personal and weight training but is also equipped with a yoga room. Bolsters, bricks and a few blankets are available, but feel free to bring your props if you want to.

Preparation before we meet:
This topic is in direct response to one of the suggested topics from the teacher survey. To help make our time together as productive as possible please consider the following:

  • How do you use asanas to help students gain mobility, have fun, and sustain their interest?
  • What are some of the different ways you develop mobility and instill confidence?
  • Which pose is particularly difficult for you or your students to achieve. How would you create ease?
  • How does fear affect your practice?
  • What can we do to reduce fear and build confidence?

We encourage you to sign up as soon as you can and email us to cancel your registration should your plans change.

January Teacher Gathering

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  • Teacher gathering
     January 20, 2024
     1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Join us to explore “the sequence of learning the asanas” and how experiential understanding of general concepts can be extended to our new system of certification, Level 1 and beyond.  Our first 2024 Teacher Gathering takes place on, Saturday Jan 20 from 1:30 – 4:30pm at Live Yoga in White Rock.


Preparation before we meet:
This topic is in direct response to one of the suggested topics from the teacher survey. To help make our time together as productive as possible please consider the following:

1) Read Basic Guidelines for Teachers of Yoga, Chapter 4 “The Sequence of Learning the Asana”, p. 39-56. Reference the former system syllabi to supplement your understanding of both the order of learning pose to pose, and stages of the pose from syllabus to syllabus. Optionally, with beginner’s mind, practice one sequence (e.g. Week 12) and look to see how the 3 prior week’s sequences change week to week.

2) Study Weeks 1-28. Note when a particular family of asana is introduced, and what earlier poses (if any) support the learning of that family of asanas, and the sequence within the family. For example with inversions, Ardha Halasana feet on wall, Eka Pada Sarvangasana, Salamba Sarvangasana, Karnapidasana etc.

3) Choose a Level 1 syllabus asana from RIMYI Certification and Assessment Guidelines which isn’t in Weeks 1-28 of Basic Guidelines or an asana from Level 2 or 3 syllabus and consider how it would be introduced to students who are ready to learn that asana. Work out some of the details in your practice.


We encourage you to sign up as soon as you can and email us to cancel your registration should your plans change.


AGM 2023

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  • AGM
     November 4, 2023
     3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Thank you for joining us at our annual general meeting.
We look forward to seeing you,  Saturday November 4, 3pm at Deb’s Studio.