Virtual yoga classes while distancing

by Christine Rondeau

Due to Covid-19, all of the yoga studios and community centres in British Columbia are closed. During these tumultuous times, we need our yoga practice more than ever. Of course, we’ve heard from our teachers that we should develop and build our home practice, but let’s face it, practising alone requires lots of motivation and this is not helped by having to isolate ourselves.

Fortunately many yoga teachers have come up with creative ways to keep the practice going. Eileen and Tanya at Abby Yoga Studio are now offering virtual classes, as is Deborah Peake in Mount Pleasant. To join their classes, simply email Eileen or Deborah to find out more.

Krisna Zawaduk has been posting videos on her YouTube channel. The video below is a nice quiet practice which could be done at the end of a long day or you could also do this practice followed by Sirsana and Sarvangasa as a great way to start the day. Her cats often make appearances which makes these videos delightful.

Cheryl and Morgan have been posting resources on the Yoga Space Vancouver website as well as on their Instagram account. These resources are a great reminder that we don’t need all the fancy props and gear. Ottomans, kitchen counters, towels and even Thermarests can be used as props.

Urdhva Mukha Savanasana
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana using the kitchen counter as a prop


About the Author

Christine completed her studies in 2019 under the guidance of Louie Ettling and Patricia Fernandes at the Yoga Space. She first discovered yoga in early 2000. Since then, she’s tried various forms of yoga but none captured her interest as much as Iyengar Yoga.

The discipline and knowledge is what keeps her coming to her mat every day.