Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, and Assumption of Risks Agreement
By reading and accepting this legal document, you will take full responsibility for participation and waive any legal rights to sue for any damages.
Including Assumption of Risks, Agreement of Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims
Please read this document carefully.
I, an adult Participant, agree as follows:
This agreement applies to all aspects of a yoga class/workshop, including use of equipment and/or props, and anywhere BKS Iyengar Yoga Association Vancouver’s services are operated, whether in-person or online (“Activities”). As a condition of my participation in the Activities, I agree to follow and obey instructions given to me by representatives of the BKS Iyengar Yoga Association Vancouver, and the terms herein.
I am aware that during a yoga class/workshop, as with any form of physical exercise, there is always a risk of injury and that I am responsible for recognizing my own limits, whether they are mental, emotional, physical, energetic or spiritual. I acknowledge that yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. I acknowledge that if I have a medical condition, I will consult with my physician/healthcare practitioner before participating in the class/workshop, and will inform the teacher of any health concerns/conditions before taking part in the class/workshop. I know my own limitations and will not take risks that challenge those limitations.
Representatives of BKS Iyengar Yoga Association Vancouver are not qualified to diagnose, examine or treat any medical condition of any sort and any comment or suggestions should not be construed as being medically appropriate. I understand I cannot participate in a yoga class/workshop if I have, or have been told I have, any condition that poses a threat to the health or safety of myself or others. It is my responsibility to consult with my medical professional to determine if I have any medical conditions and, if so, whether such a condition poses a threat to the health or safety of myself or others.
I am knowingly and willingly choosing to participate in the Activities of BKS Iyengar Yoga Association Vancouver, including without limitation those described above. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume the risks of illness, injury, and death associated with the Activities, inherent or otherwise, and whether or not they are described above.
I and my heirs and estate, hereby agree as follows:
I release the BKS Iyengar Yoga Association Vancouver, its directors, officers, agents, employees, independent contractors, representatives, and teachers, including visiting and substitute teachers (“Released Party”), from any and all liability, and covenant and agree not to sue or bring any type of legal controversy in any proceeding, for any loss, damage, expense or injury, including death, that I may suffer, arising from or in any way related to my presence at a yoga class/workshop, or any facility in which a yoga class/workshop is held, or participation in any Activities.
This agreement of release includes claims arising from negligence (but not gross negligence or intentionally wrong conduct) of a Released Party.
I, an adult Participant, and my heirs and estate further agree as follows:
- I hereby consent to a representative of BKS Iyengar Yoga Association Vancouver either administering or obtaining medical care for me in the event of an injury, illness, or accident requiring medical attention while participating in a yoga class/workshop. I authorize representatives of BKS Iyengar Yoga Association Vancouver to exchange with any third-party medical caregiver such information regarding my medical history as may be deemed important to either of them. I agree I am solely responsible for any hospital, medical, or other costs arising out of an injury or other loss arising out of a visit to a yoga class/workshop location or participation in the Activities.
- I represent that if I am suffering from any injuries or disease, I will consult with my physician/healthcare practitioner before any yoga classes/workshops. I agree to full responsibility for any known or unknown risks, injuries or damages that may result from participating in any Activities, whether in-person or online. I understand that BKS Iyengar Association Vancouver relies on these representations as a condition of allowing my participation in Activities.
- I agree that this Agreement and all terms contained within are governed by the laws of the Province of British Columbia. I hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia. Any litigation in any way related to the Activities or to matters addressed in this Agreement must be instituted in the Province of British Columbia.
- I agree that should any part of this Agreement be determined to be invalid by a court with proper jurisdiction, all other portions of this Agreement not so determined shall nevertheless remain valid and in full effect.
- I confirm I have had sufficient time to read, and have read and fully understand this Agreement, which consists of this and its preceding pages. I am aware that by accepting this Agreement I am waiving the rights described above which I, or my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assigns and representatives may have in the event of an injury or other loss. I confirm and understand that I agree to the terms in this Agreement freely and voluntarily.
- I freely acknowledge that I am aware of the risks, dangers and hazards associated with or related to the Activities and I accept and fully assume responsibility for these risks.