2024 Workshop with Louie Ettling

by Nancy Zrymiak

Our recent workshop with Louie Ettling drew a full house of 65 enthusiastic Iyengar yoga students eager for a weekend of community and practice. We embarked on a journey, beginning with playful balancing drills and flowing Parivrtta Trikonasanas. Louie prepared our bodies and sharpened our focus, paving the way for the practice of Pranayama.

We revisited Savasana several times throughout the weekend – supine, prone, with and without props – a fundamental practice for relaxing the body, quieting the breath, and calming the mind in preparation for Pranayama. Saturday afternoon culminated with the practice of both reclined and seated Pranayamas. With Louie’s guidance, we emerged not only feeling calmed and refreshed but also with an enriched understanding of the art of breathing.

Louie led our teacher practice session on Sunday, where we discussed how to gauge student readiness for Pranayama and select preparatory asanas. Through collaborative adjustment work and the sharing of experiences, we deepened our understanding and forged stronger connections within our teaching community.

About the Author

Nancy first discovered Iyengar Yoga in Bangalore, India in 2010. It took only one class to convince her that yoga was for her… for life. She completed her studies under the guidance of Senior Iyengar Yoga teacher, Louie Ettling and is now a certified Iyengar yoga instructor. In 2016 Nancy travelled to Pune, India to study with the Iyengar family. She teaches in New Westminster.  Follow Nancy on Instagram for more information.