Blast from the Past!
by Nancy Zrymiak
I’ve had some fun perusing past Iyengar Yoga Vancouver Newsletters recently, several of which include reviews of Gabriella Giubilaro’s Vancouver intensives. Since we are hosting Gabriella this month for an online workshop I thought I’d share this 2005 newsletter. It includes a four-page spread written by Louie Ettling and a myriad of photos. Some of you will recognize Gabriella along with lots of familiar faces from our community.

Louie observed that Gabriella often said “that is your work” when she pointed out a part in a student’s body or asana where the intelligence was not yet evident. For the article Louie asked eight participants “how would you describe “your work”? Each person, including Louie, came away with something unique to themselves and as Deb Peake said, “It was a light bulb moment when I realized my potential…”.
If you haven’t taken a workshop with Gabriella read the article (PDF download) to see what others find so special about Gabriella and her teaching. Even just by looking at the photos you can tell how involved she is with the students. And if you have taken a workshop with Gabriella, have a look — you might be reminded an inspirational moment — or two or three — that you have had with Gabriella.